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You can do it!

We can help you along the path to homeownership.

We Are Here for You


Buying a Home


Financial Education


Avoiding Foreclosure


Credit Assessment

The housing market continues to become more and more expensive, making home ownership seem impossible for so many people. Foundations Empowerment, Inc. believes that given the right tools, those who want to

experience the many benefits of homeownership can achieve their dream.

We provide access to education, support and resources that will help you

buy, keep and maintain a home. By participating in our educational

program, you will gain the knowledge needed to overcome the barriers to

home ownership. Our proven strategy is not complicated. If you are

committed to the process you will qualify for a mortgage loan, you will raise

your credit score, you will be able to buy a home and so much more!

Why FEI?

"I find it very important to invest in our volunteers and members. Allowing FEI to conduct various workshops and seminars was one of the best decisions that we've made as ministry. 

The pratical information provided during each event has truly empowered every attendee. Wheteher their goal was home ownership, improving their credit, or planning for their finacial future, FEI helped them realize that nothing is impossible with the right information and guidance. Thank you FEI. You are truly changing lives."

Vernon Harrison 

Director of Volunteer Ministries for World Changers Church International


Providing Education

Online Classes and YouTube Videos

Positioning Yourself for Homeownership

(1 hour)


Financial Wellness Series



The Credit Clinic

(4 hours)


Homebuyer Education Certification

(8 hours)

Ann C. Terry
Executive Director,
HUD Housing Counselor,
, ABR®, SRES® 

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Help Us Help Others

Your donation will enable us to provide financial literacy education, resources and supportive services to assist people; from all walks of life, in becoming financially independent.


© 2023 Foundations Empowerment Inc. Foundations Empowerment, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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